Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A new little life ...a boy or girl? God has blessed the Spencer's...I pray it's a curl!

thoughts of pink are swirling about my head, as i play toy cars, firetrucks of red, and have been climb on this morning as if a bed. dollies, tea parties and sitting real sweet as i fix her bow
just perfectly neat. then out of the blue three monkey's appear, sly grins on their face's from ear to ear, now i quickly remember what i've known all these years .....a child 's a blessing no matter the gender, a present so sweet , so warm, so tender, a perfect gift from above to love and adore , bless GOD for knowing we needed lots more.......!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


There is only one way to eat a elephant: a bite at a time. Maybe you know this already. I didn't-
until Beverly Johnson told the world after she, the first woman to do so alone, reached the top of thirty-six hundred feet high El Captain in Yosemite National Park, California.

"That's what I kept saying, "A bite at a time, a bite at a time....., " the smiling Beverly said of her ten-day struggle up the gigantic granite mass that rises unbroken from the Yosemite Valley.

We can all "eat elephants" by Beverly's formula, can't we? It makes little difference whether
it's all the things we have to accomplish, a physical condition we have to live with, financial challenges, loved ones who are facing illness's. ( Fill in the frustration or frustration's you are dealing with in your life's) Her reasoning works.

Haven't you often wished, as she did, that you could magically leave your problems? Most of us feel that way, but the world doesn't stop for us to get off. We dig in with whatever equipment we have; we work our way up slowly; and, remember this: We have the solid Rock to lean upon!
GOD is always there.

Have I not commanded you! Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your GOD will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9