Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thankful Heart !!!

i need to try and put down in words how thankful i am for my oldest brother's thoughtful ways and God inspired words when needed the most, during these last few years of many life changing challenges and trails, Kent you have been
that person whom i can turn to in the darkest hours and know that God will speak through you and the compassion and wisdom you bring forth can only come from above. thank you for the unconditional love and support and know
that you are so loved and admired in the eyes of your little sister Stinky..gilly...sis

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

No this is not the reason they are sick with winter cold's they just can't seem to kick....No this is not the reason I have wiped Jordyn's nose for the 400th time today.........Snow in Yucaipa in Feb. ...right about now I am wishing that darn varmit saw his shadow and winter was outta here............Well back upstair to check in on the sick-os..........Peace out!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Arr!!!! Mate" t" Where they Booty be?
Hummmmm!!! Disney you say? Yes me-hardy's disney it be.... a fun filled day to laugh and play....We skipped school and surprised Omi and Mom with a trip to Disneyland and they both were happy as can be, there was no crowd to speak of and they had the run of the park, it was hard to keep up with them but somehow we managed.... :) Pirate "T"aylor and Pirate Jordyn

Saturday, February 7, 2009

just a quick note to yesterday's post....i did just what i said i was going to do, i made a cup of hot tazo passion tea and climbed back to bed under my electric blanket and caught up on my bible ( i am trying to read a chapter a day and hope to finish they entire bible this year) sidetracking.....i am only going to type
using lower case as it is just plain faster. anyway i also rented a movie from on demand and it really touched my heart in a meaningful way... the secret life of bees...if you haven't had a chance to see it DO!!!....i really have trouble with obama as our president due to the fact he is pro choice and i am all about pro life in big way, but after watching
this movie i can understand why it was so important for afrian-american's that he won.....and when obama say's change is coming i understand what he means in a new way and it is all about our outlook of other race's and i know God never meant for us as his children to treat each other the way we do based on the color of our skin as we are all created in his image and for his purpose and this movie is such s reflection of that in such a possitive way
i had to mention this and how God used my day off to minster to my heart, and remind me first and foremost i am a woman after God's own heart.!!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Gone are the visions I had of CHILLAXING in sun next
to the pool with a good book, cool drink and soaking in the rays, no worries,no cares and most importantly nothing on the schedule.....(OH Yeah Big Brother and practicing my panning skills) but God didn't see it my way so when Life gives you Lemon's make TEA... I guess I'll climb back under my heating blanket with a cup of hot tea and enjoy a movie and maybe even doze off and dream of Maui ( only 53 day's to go) And NO I DID NOT LOSE ANY WEIGHT!!!! Tara has though, she looks great 9lbs in two weeks....Keep it up girl...."You look Flab-u-less!!!!!