Thursday, August 13, 2009

back to school blues!!!

yes i know it's cliche, but it's true, omi is blue....."t" heads back to school, "j-ster" is starting preschool two days a week and "ez-e's" parents are back to teaching (thanking GOD, they both keep their jobs) so around here summer is officially on it's was out...adios...see ya...chow.... lazy carefree days and nights, day trips, week trips, camping trips, sleeping in, staying up late, spy missions,pool lounging,outdoor playing, homemade ice cream adventures, Slurpee runs, Popsicle melting messes, cherry picking, watermelon eating , bicycle riding, skateboard carving, plasma car racing .......days...! u will be missed....oh how you will be missed....and remissed........:(